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::: {.index} pair: Create a Custom UX Action Button; Labs :::

2010 Create a Custom UX Action Button


  • Id: 2010
  • Time: 5 Minutes
  • Enabled: Yes
  • Difficulty: intermediate
  • Tags: self-service, triggers

* Concepts: triggers, alerts, ux .. youtube:: u22KS_QU4jI :privacy_mode: Video Link


Learn how to extend the UX by adding a programmable button based on a trigger

In this lab, the user will create a custom UX button that will generate a trigger.

Business ROI: Improve self-service and consistency by making common operations more accessible to all operators.


Required Labs:

  • 1050


Create Trigger

  1. Navigate to the Triggers page and click the Create button

    Set Name to lab2010

    Set Trigger Provider to event-trigger

    Set Blueprint to utility-endpoint-systems-check

    Set Filter to Local Self Runner

    Add a Parameter event-trigger/event-match with a value of ux.button.lab2010

    Click Save.

  2. Refresh your UX page (Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R)

    The UX feature that adds new Trigger Action Buttons requires a page refresh.

Test the New Button

  1. Navigate to the Work Orders view
  2. Click the lab2010 button on the top right of the top nav.

    This may be under a "Trigger Buttons" dropdown next the labs button.

  3. Observe new Work Orders being created

    Look for the newly created Work Order when you click the button in the table.

Add the Dev Library Content Pack

  1. Navigate to the Catalog
  2. Find the `dev-library \<>`__ using the search bar
  3. Install or Update dev-library if not loaded, by clicking the install button

Create Another Trigger

  1. From the Triggers page, click the Create button

    Set Name to lab2010-dev

    Set Trigger Provider to event-trigger

    Set Blueprint to dev-raise-alerts

    Set Filter to Local Self Runner

    Add a Parameter event-trigger/event-match with a value of ux.button.lab2010-dev

    Click Save

  2. Refresh the Portal (Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R)

See Triggers that Generate Alerts

  1. Navigate to the Alerts table
  2. Click the Lab2010-dev button on the top right of the banner
  3. Observe new Alerts being created in the table
  4. Look for the newly created Alerts when the button is clicked