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::: {.index} pair: Leveraging Labs; Labs :::

1001 Leveraging Labs


  • Id: 1001
  • Time: 10 Minutes
  • Enabled: Yes
  • Difficulty: introductory
  • Tags: labs
  • Concepts: labs, UX


Reviewing the Labs system to leverage all its features

Business ROI Labs bring advanced Infrastructure as Code concepts into reach through narrative lessons.


Required Labs:

  • 1000

Addtional Checklist Items:

  • A DRP endpoint


::: {.tabs} ::: {.tab} Using Labs

  1. Navigate to the Labs view from your UX by clicking the green Labs button in the top right

    If you have already navigated to the Labs view, you can skip this step and the following one.

  2. Open the lab 1001 Leveraging Labs by clicking it on this view

  3. Guided Lab Modal

    1. Pop out a guided lab modal by hovering over this step and clicking the blue pin to the right of it

      This will open a small modal that acts as a slideshow for the steps of the lab. It will persist when you navigate to different views in the UX or when you refresh your browser until you close the modal.

    2. Navigate to the next step by clicking the right arrow in the upper right corner of the modal

      Use this process to cycle through steps when using the guided lab modal.

    3. Navigate to another view in the UX, like the Machines view

      Notice that the modal stays in place and keeps its step. Links can be clicked from the lab viewer or the guided lab modal, and the modal will keep in place or adjust accordingly.

    4. Toggle the guided lab modal into List View by clicking the list icon in the top right

      This mode displays all steps in the lab rather than one at a time. Steps can be popped out from this mode and the modal will switch to the popped out step just as it would from the viewer.

    5. Navigate back to this lab's viewer by clicking the flask icon from the top right of the modal

    6. Select one of the following choices from either the modal or the viewer

    ::: {.tabs} ::: {.tab} Choice A

    1. Proceed to the next step

      You selected Choice A, a tab. Tab choices for labs synchronize across the UX, so if you select a tab for an operating system or other choice once in a lab, your choice is remembered and reflected in any open modals or viewers. :::

    ::: {.tab} Choice B

    1. Proceed to the next step

      You selected Choice B, a tab. Tab choices for labs synchronize across the UX, so if you select a tab for an operating system or other choice once in a lab, your choice is remembered and reflected in any open modals or viewers. ::: :::

  4. Lab Tree

    1. Explore the lab tree from the Labs view

      Labs are organized top-down, so labs further up in the tree are depended on by labs further down in the tree. Connections between lab nodes depict the relationships between labs.

      For example, the lab Detect Terraform Drift is dependent on the lab Build a Multi-Cloud Cluster using Pre-Defined Terraform, as per the connection between the two nodes.

    2. Select the Leveraging Labs lab from the Labs view by clicking on its node in the tree

  5. Lab Viewer

    1. Explore the lab viewer.

      The lab viewer is the view that provides the most detail about a lab. It includes the lab's tags, concepts, objective, description, prerequisites, video, and more

    2. Mark the lab as complete using the blue button in the top right of the viewer

      A lab can be marked as complete using this button. It will only mark as complete for your current browser, so other users of your DRP endpoint will not be affected by your lab completion.

      This will also cause the lab to gray out in the lab tree.

    3. Unmark the lab as complete by clicking the button again

  6. Lab Videos

    1. From the Labs view, navigate to a lab with a video, such as Manage Groups of Machines using Clusters
    2. Play the video by clicking it
    3. At any point, click the Pop out video button in the top right of the video to pop it out into a modal

      Your progress in the video will persist between the viewer and the modal.

      The video modal will follow you similarly to the guided lab modal. It can be closed at any time.

    4. Open the modal at this step if it is not still opened, and proceed to the next step

      The final step of a lab will allow you to mark it as complete, and view other labs that depend on the current lab. Otherwise, you can navigate back to the lab tree to find more labs to work through. :::

::: {.tab} Disabling Labs

This tab contains information for disabling the labs system. If you are here to learn how to use labs, please refer to the Using Labs tab.

  1. Navigate to the global profile in the Profiles view
  2. Navigate to the global profile's Params tab

    1. If the lab_urls param appears, skip the following step. Otherwise, proceed to the next step
    2. Add it by clicking Add Params and typing in lab_urls

      The param will be created with its default, an array containing only the URL to the RackN-provided labs.

  3. Disable labs by setting the param to an empty array

    Set the param value to the following.


    Be sure to save your changes afterward.

  4. Refer to the GitLab repository README for information on adding, editing, and removing labs

    The README contains information on how to add your own labs, edit existing labs, remove labs, and create your own lab content packs. ::: :::