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::: {.index} pair: Start Remote Access; Labs :::

1200 Start Remote Access


  • Id: 1200
  • Time: 5 Minutes
  • Enabled: Yes
  • Difficulty: introductory
  • Tags: ssh, remote
  • Concepts: machines


Start Guacd Service to Allow Remote SSH Access to Systems

Business ROI


Required Labs:

  • 1005

Addtional Checklist Items:

  • Ensure an SSH server is running on the DRP endpoint (required for testing)
  • Ensure the SSH port (22) is open for in-bound access (required for testing)

Remote Access


  1. Navigate to the Machines view
  2. Open the editor for the DRP endpoint by clicking the name of the endpoint

    The name will match the Digital Rebar Endpoint ID in the top left corner.

Make sure the DRP Endpoint Machine is in unlocked
  1. Click the Unlock Object Button on the top right

    If Lock Object is present, then the machine is already unlocked.

    When a machine is locked, it is in a Read Only state and changes cannot be made.

Add the bootstrap-guacd Profile to the DRP Endpoint's machine
  1. Click the + icon by the Profiles line

    Skip to the next step if bootstrap-guacd is already in the list.

  2. Type and select bootstrap-guacd

Re-run the bootstrap process
  1. Select the Activity Tab
  2. Click the Select Blueprint button and select by typing rebootstrap-drp
  3. Click Apply
Wait for the bootstrap process to finish.
  1. Watch the Activity Tab for the WorkOrder to complete

    The DRP endpoint machine should finish all tasks.


Validate guacd-service is running
  1. Navigate to the Resource Brokers view to the `guacd-service \<>`__
  2. There should be a running and pending Work Order.
Connect to the DRP Endpoint with SSH
  1. Navigate to the Machines table
  2. Open the editor for the DRP endpoint by clicking the name of the endpoint
  3. Click the Remote button in upper right

    An active SSH session should start from within the Portal

Alternative Setup

  1. Add --initial-profiles=bootstrap-guacd to the line in Lab 1000 (Install Digital Rebar)

    The Remote Access System can be configured at install time