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Data Architecture

Digital Rebar Provision uses a fairly simple data model. There are 4 main models for the provisioner server, 4 models for the DHCP server, and 1 model for the DNS server. Each model has a corresponding API in the rs_api.

The models define elements of the system. The API provides basic CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations as well as some additional actions for manipulating the state of the system. The rs_api contains that definitions of the actual structures and methods on those objects. Additionally, the operation will describe common actions to use and do with these models and how to build them. The rs_cli describes the Command Line manipulators for the model.

This section will describe its use and role in the system.

Provisioner Models

These models represent things that the provisioner server use and manipulate.


The Machine object defines a machine that is being provisioned. The Machine is represented by a unique UUID. The UUID is immutable after machine creation. The machine's primary purpose is to map an incoming IP address to a bootenv. The bootenv provides a set of rendered template that will can be used to boot the machine. The machine provides parameters to the template. The Machine provides configuration to the renderer in the form of parameters and fields. Also, each machine must have a bootenv to boot from. If a machine is created without a bootenv specified, the system will assign the one specified by the value of the preference defaultBootEnv.

The Name field should contain the FQDN of the node.

The Machine object contains an Error field that represents errors encountered while operating on the machine. In general, these are errors pertaining to rendering the bootenv.

The Machine parameters are defined as a special profile on the Machine. The profile stores a dictionary of string keys to arbitrary objects. These could be strings, booleans, numbers, arrays, or objects representing similarly defined dictionaries. The machine parameters are available to templates for expansion in them.

Additionally, the machine maintains an ordered list of profiles that are searched and then finally the global profile.


When updating the Params part of the embedded Profile in the parameter object, the POST method on the params subaction will replace the map with the input version.

A Machine is defined by having the metadata field machine-role set to machine or self. For backwards compatability, a machine without a machine-role metadata entry is considered a machine.


The Cluster object defines a special class of machines. While the API presents these as clusters, the underlying system represents them as a Machine and all the normal Machine-like actions apply to Clusters. The Cluster is signified by the metadata field, machine-role, set to the value of cluster.

The Cluster automatically upon creation receives a new profile named the same as the cluster. This profile is added to the Cluster object. This profile is intended to hold cluster specific parameters that can be shared with cluster members.

Clusters can run pipelines and jobs. The default context for a cluster at creation is drpcli-runner. This will attempt to run within the docker-context of the DRP endpoint.

Resource Broker

The Resource Broker object defines a special class of machines. While the API presents these as resource_brokers, the underlying system represents them as a Machine and all the normal Machine-like actions apply to Resource Broker. The Resource Broker is signified by the metadata field, machine-role, set to the value of resource-broker.

The Resource Broker automatically upon creation receives a new profile named the same as the resource broker. This profile is added to the Resource Broker object.

Resource Brokers can run pipelines and jobs. The default context for a cluster at creation is drpcli-runner. This will attempt to run within the docker-context of the DRP endpoint.


The Param Object is the lowest level building block. It is a simple key/value pair. Each Param is a bounded type parameter, and type definition is enforced. The following types of parameters may be used:

type description
integer A numerical value (eg "12" or "-3444")
boolean True or False ('true' or 'false')
string Textual string (eg "this is a string!")
array A series of elements of the same type
map A higher-order function that applies a given function to each element of a list, returning a list of results in the same order


The Profile Object defines a set of key/value pairs (or parameters). All of these may be manipulated by the rs_api. The key space is a free form string and the value is an arbitrary data blob specified by JSON through the rs_api. The common parameters defined in templates can be set on these objects. The system maintains a global profile for setting system-wide parameters. They are the lowest level of precedence.

The profiles are free form dictionaries and default empty. Any key/value pair can be added and referenced.

Other profiles may be created to group parameters together to apply to sets of machines. The machine's profile list allows the administrator to specify an ordered set of profiles that apply to that machine as well. Additionally, the system maintains a special profile for each machine to store custom parameters specific to that machine. This profile is embedded in the machine object.

When the system needs to render a template parameter, the machine's specific profile is checked, then the order list of profiles stored in the Machine Object are checked, and finally the global profile is checked. The key and its value are used if found in template rendering.


When updating the Params part of the profile object, the POST method on the params subaction will replace the map with the input version.


The BootEnv object defines an environment to boot a machine. It has two main components an OS information section and a templates list. The OS information section defines what makes up the installation base for this bootenv. It defines the install ISO, a URL to get the ISO, and SHA256 checksum to validate the image. These are used to provide the basic install image, kernel, and base packages for the bootenv.


the Name must include the suffix -install for any BootEnv that is expected to boot into an OS installer because it adds path indexing into an install subdirectory.

BootEnvs are typically supported file collection(s) uploaded as a Digital Rebar ISO. ISOs are typically, but not necessarily, .iso files. For example. the sledgehammer "iso" is actually a tar file. A single BootEnv may also have multiple supporting ISOs based on architecture or other factors.

When a matching ISO for a BootEnv is uploaded and its checksums match, the ISO will be expanded (aka exploded) into components. In addition, ISOs intended for network booting must contain network bootable pieces.

The other primary section is a set of templates that represent files in the file server's file space that can served via HTTP or TFTP. The templates can be in-line in the BootEnv object or reference a template. The templates are specified as a list of paths in the filesystem and either an ID of a template or inline content. The path field of the template information can use the same template expansion that is used in the template.

Additionally, the BootEnv defines required and optional parameters. The required parameters validated at render time to be present or an error is generated. These parameters can be met by the parameters on the machine, the profiles in machine's profiles list, or from the global profile.

BootEnvs can be marked OnlyUnknown. This tells the rest of the system that this BootEnv is not for specific machines. It is a general BootEnv. For example, discovery and ignore are OnlyUnknown.discovery is used to discover unknown machines and add them to Digital Rebar Provision. ignore is a special bootenv that tells machines to boot their local disk. These BootEnvs populate the pxelinux.0, ipxe, and elilo default fallthrough files. These are different from their counterpart BootEnvs, sledgehammer and local which are machine specific BootEnvs that populate configuration files that are specific to a single machine. A machine boots local; an unknown machine boots ignore. There can only be one OnlyUnknown BootEnv active at a time. This is specified by the preference unknownBootEnv.


The Template object defines a templated content that can be referenced by its ID. The content of the template (or in-line template) in a bootenv is a template string. The template has a set of special expansions. The normal expansion syntax is:

{{ .Machine.Name }}

This would expand to the machine's Name field. There are helpers for the parameter spaces, the bootenv object, and some miscellaneous functions. Additionally, the normal template functions are available as well. Things like range, len, and comparators are available as well. template inclusion is supported by the following syntax:

{{ template "ID of Template" }}
{{ template .Param.MyFavoriteTemplate }}

The following table lists the current set of expansion custom functions:

Expansion Description
.ApiHostURL An HTTPS URL to access the Digital Rebar Provision API using the server hostname
.ApiURL An HTTPS URL to access the Digital Rebar Provision API
.BootParams This renders the BootParam field of bootenv at that spot. Template expansion applies to that field as well.
.ComposeParam Returns the composed value of a parameter across all Param sources instead of just the highest precedence.
.CurrentJob Returns the Uuid of the Job running the template expansion (if rendering in a Job context). This handles differentiating figuring out if the task is a WorkOrder or not. (requires v4.10+)
.Env.InstallUrl An HTTP URL to the base ISO install directory.
.Env.JoinInitrds A comma separated string of all the initrd files specified in the BootEnv reference through the specified proto (tftp or http)
.Env.OS.Family An optional string from the BootEnv that is used to represent the OS Family. Ubuntu preseed uses this to determine debian vs ubuntu as an example.
.Env.OS.Version An optional string from the BootEnv that is used to represent the OS Version. Ubuntu preseed uses this to determine what version of ubuntu is being installed.
.Env.PathFor This references the boot environment and builds a string that presents a either a tftp or http specifier into exploded ISO space for that file. Proto is tftp or http. The file is a relative path inside the ISO.
.GenerateToken This generates limited use access token for the machine to either update itself if it exists or create a new machine. The token's validity is limited in time by global preferences. See preference.
.InstallRepos Returns exactly one Repo from the list chosen by MachineRepos that has the installSource bit set, and at most one Repo from the MachineRepos that has the securitySource bit set.
.Machine.Address The Address field of the Machine
.Machine.CurrentJob Returns the Uuid of the Job running the template expansion (if rendering in a Job context) - use .CurrentJob in v4.10+
.Machine.HexAddress The Address field of the Machine in Hex format (useful for elilo config files
.Machine.Name The FQDN of the Machine in the Machine object stored in the Name field
.Machine.Path A path to a custom machine unique space in the file server name space.
.Machine.ShortName The Name part of the FDQN of the Machine object stored in the Name field
.Machine.Url A HTTP URL that references the Machine's specific unique filesystem space.
.Machine.UUID The Machine's UUID field
.MachineRepos Returns all Repos that have the OS of the Machine defined in their os section.
.ObjectExpand Returns the expanded object from the provided object. This can iterate through arrays and maps.
.Param Returns the structure for the specified key for this rendering.
.ParamAsJSON Return the specified parameter as a JSON string or an error.
.ParamAsYAML Return the specified parameter as a YAML string or an error.
.ParamCompose Same as ComposeParam, but matches the other Param function naming conventions.
.ParamComposeExpand Returns the specified parameter after composing and then doing string expansion.
.ParamExists Returns true if the specified key is a valid parameter available for this rendering.
.ParamExpand Returns after running templating on the contents of a parameter before returning it. This iterates through maps and arrays to find expandable strings.
.ParseURL Parse the specified URL and return the segment requested. Supported segments can be one of scheme (eg "https"), host (eg ""), or path (eg "/api/v3/machines"). host does not separate name and port.
.ProvisionerAddress An IP address that is on the provisioner that is the most direct access to the machine.
.ProvisionerHostURL An HTTP URL to access the base file server root using the server hostname
.ProvisionerURL An HTTP URL to access the base file server root
.Repos , ,... Returns Repos (as defined by the package-repositories param currently in scope) with the matching tags.
.SecureProvisionerHostURL An HTTPS URL to access the base file server root using the server hostname
.SecureProvisionerURL An HTTPS URL to access the base file server root
.StringExpand Returns the expanded string from the provided template string.
.Task.TargetOS Returns a string that presents the OS of the runner. This can be esxi, linux, darwin, or windows.
.WorkOrder.CurrentJob Returns the Uuid of the Job running the template expansion (if rendering in a Job context)
.WorkOrder.Machine The Machine's UUID field in the WorkOrder
.WorkOrder.UUID The WorkOrder's UUID field
template . Includes the template specified by the string. String can be a variable and note that template does NOT have a dot (.) in front.

GenerateToken is very special. This generates either a known token or an unknown token for use by the template to update objects in Digital Rebar Provision. The tokens are valid for a limited time as defined by the ** knownTokenTimeout and unknownTokenTimeout preferences respectively. The tokens are also restricted to the function the can perform. The known token is limited to only reading and updating the specific machine the template is being rendered for. If a machine is not present during the render, an unknown token is generated that has the ability to query and create machines. These are used by the install process to indicate that the install is finished and that the local BootEnv should be used for the next boot and during the discovery process to create the newly discovered machine.


.Machine.Path is particularly useful for ensuring that templates are expanded into a unique file space for each machine. An example of this is per machine kickstart files. These can be seen in the content/bootenvs/ubuntu-16.04.yml.

With regard to the .Param and .ParamExists functions, these return the parameter or existence of the parameter specified by the key input. The parameters are examined from most specific to global. This means that the Machine object's profile is checked first, then the list of profile associated with the machine, and finally the global profile. The parameters are stored in a profile.

The default template and bootenv use the following optional (unless marked with an *) parameters.

Parameter Type Description
ntp_servers Array of string The format is an array of IP addresses in dotted quad format.
proxy-servers Array of objects See below, proxy server as well as some kickstart templates.
operating-system-disk String A string to use as the default install drive. /dev/sda or sda depending upon kickstart or preseed.
access-keys Map of strings The key is the name of the public key. The value is the public key. All keys are placed in the .authorized_keys file of root.
provisioner-default-password-hash String The password hash for the initial default password, RocketSkates
provisioner-default-user String The initial user to create for ubuntu/debian installs
dns-domain String DNS Domain to use for this system's install
*operating-system-license-key String Windows Only
*operating-system-install-flavor String Windows Only

For some examples of this in use, see the example profiles in the assets rs_install directory.


A template may contain other templates as described above. The system comes with some pre-existing sub-templates to make kickstart and preseed generation easier. The following templates are available and have some parameters that drive them. The required parameters can be applied through profiles or the machine profile. The templates contain comments with how to use and parameters to set.

Update Digital Rebar Provisioner BootEnv

This sub-template updates the machine object's BootEnv to the parameter, next_boot_env. If next_boot_env is not defined, the BootEnv will be set to local. This template uses the GenerateToken function to securely update Digital Rebar Provision. To use, add the following to the post install section of the kickstart or template.

{{ template "update-drp-local.tmpl" . }}

An example profile that sets the next BootEnv would be:

Name: post-install-bootenv
  next_boot_env: cores-live
Web Proxy

This sub-template sets up the environment variables and conditionally the apt repo to use a web proxy. The sub-template uses the proxy-servers parameter. The place the template in the post-install section of the kickstart or the script.

{{ template "web-proxy.tmpl" . }}

An example profile that sets proxies would look like this yaml.

Name: proxy-config
    - url:
    - url:
Package Repositories

As an alternative to rolling your own support for local and remote package repository management, you can write your templates to use our package repository support. This support consists of three parts:

  1. Support in the template rendering engine for a parameter named "package-repositories", which contains a list of package repositories that are available for the various Linux distros we support.
  2. The .Repos, .MachineRepos, and .InstallRepos functions that are available at template expansion time. These return a list of Repo objects, and are described in more detail in the Template section.
  3. The .Install and .Lines functions that are available on each Repo object.
The package-repositories Param

The special "package-repositories" parameter must be present in-scope of the current Machine in order for .Repos, .MachineRepos, and .InstallRepos to operate correctly -- that is, it must be present either in the global profile, a profile attached to the machine's current Stage, a profile attached to a machine, or directly on the machine as a machine parameter.

A commented example of a "package-repositories" parameter in YAML format:

- tag: "centos-7-install" # Every repository needs a unique tag.
  # A repository can be used by multiple operating systems.
  # The usual example of this is the EPEL repository, which
  # can be used by all of the RHEL variants of a given generation.
    - "centos-7"
  # If installSource is true, then the URL points directly
  # to the location we should use for all OS install purposes
  # save for fetching kernel/initrd pairs from (for now, we will
  # still assume that they will live on the DRP server).
  # When installSounrce is true, the os field must contain a single
  # entry that is an exact match for the bootenv's OS.Name field.
  installSource: true
  # For redhat-ish distros when installSource is true,
  # this URL must contain distro, component, and arch components,
  # and as such they do not need to be further specified.
  url: ""
- tag: "centos-7-everything"
  # Since installSource is not true here,
  # we can define several package sources at once by
  # providing a distribution and a components section,
  # and having the URL point at the top-level directory
  # where everything is housed.
  # DRP knows how to expand repo definitions for CentOS and
  # ScientificLinux provided that they follow the standard
  # mirror directory layout for each distro.
    - centos-7
  url: ""
  distribution: "7"
    - atomic
    - centosplus
    - configmanagement
    - cr
    - dotnet
    - extras
    - fasttrack
    - os
    - rt
    - sclo
    - updates
- tag: "debian-9-install"
    - "debian-9"
  installSource: true
  # Debian URLs always follow the same rules, no matter
  # whether the OS install flag is set.  As such,
  # you must always also specify the distribution and
  # at least the main component, although you can also
  # specify other components.
  url: ""
  distribution: stretch
  # If the location of the remote kernel and initrd files cannot be found
  # at the location you would get by appending url and the kernel/initd
  # filenames from the BootEnv, you need to use the bootloc field to
  # override where dr-provision should try to get them from.
  # Kernels and initrds must be located directly at this path.
  bootloc: ""
    - main
    - contrib
    - non-free
- tag: "debian-9-updates"
    - "debian-9"
  url: ""
  distribution: stretch-updates
    - main
    - contrib
    - non-free
- tag: "debian-9-backports"
    - "debian-9"
  url: ""
  distribution: stretch-backports
    - main
    - contrib
    - non-free
- tag: "debian-9-security"
    - "debian-9"
  url: ""
  securitySource: true
  distribution: stretch/updates
    - contrib
    - main
    - non-free

The default package-repositories param in drp-community-content contains working examples for every boot environment supported by drp-community-content.

Repo Object

As mentioned above, the template-level .Repos, .MachineRepos, and .InstallRepos return a list of Repo objects that can be used for further template expansion. The Repo object contains its own fields and functions that can be used for template expansion:

Expansion Description
.Tag The tag that uniquely identifies one repository definition. The template-level .Repos function takes a list of tags and returns repos that exactly match them.
.OS A list of operating systems (in distro-release format) that this repository supports. The template-level .MachineRepos function matches this field against the current Machine.OS field to determine which templates are applicable to a Machine.
.URL The URL to the top of the repository in question. For yum-style repos, it can either point directly to a specific repository (in which case .Distribution and .Components must not be present), or point to a location that contains an appropriately mirrored repo tree for the OS in question (in which case it cannot be used as an InstallSource or a SecuritySource, and .Distribution and .Components must be set) For apt-style repos, it must point to the top level of the repository (the level that has "dists" and "pool" as subdirectories), and .Distribution and .Components must always be defined.
.PackageType An optional field that can be used to determine what kind of packages the repository returns. It is normally autodetected based on the operating system the repo is being used in.
.RepoType The type repository this is. It is optional, and is normally inferred based on the operating system the repo is being used in.
.InstallSource A boolean value that determines whether this repository should be used as a package source during OS installation. You should have at most one of these per OS install you wish to support.
.SecuritySource A boolean value that determines whether this repository should be used as a source of security updates that should be applied during an OS install.
.Distribution A string that corresponds to the OS release version or codename. This must be present for apt-style repos.
.Components A list of strings that map to any sub-repositories available as part of this repository. Examples are "main","contrib", and "non-free" for apt-based repos.
.R A helper function that refers back to the top-level template rendering context.
.JoinedComponents A helper function that joins the .Components list into a space-separated string.
.UrlFor A helper function that returns an appropriately formatted URL for the passed Component.
.Install A helper function that returns the Repo in a format suitable for inclusion in an unattended OS installation file (kickstart, preseed, etc.) The format returned is currently hardcoded depending on the OS type of the Machine. That restriction will be lifted in future versions of dr-provision.
.Lines A helper function that returns the Repo an a format suitable for direct inclusion into a repo definition file (sources.list, /etc/yum.repos.d/.repo, etc). The format returned is currently hardcoded based on the OS type of the Machine. That restriction will be lifted in future versions of dr-provision.
Expanding Package Repositories

To expand the repos suitable for OS installation, use:

{{range $repo := .InstallRepos}}{{$repo.Install}}{{end}}

To expand the repos suitable for post-install package management, use:

{{range $repo := .MachineRepos}}{{$repo.Lines}}{{end}}
Local Repos

By default, local package repositories provided by exploded OS install media is made available as a set of extra repositories that override matching install repositories from the package-repositories param.

These extra repositories will always be present if the ISO associated with a boot environment has been uploaded to dr-provision. They are treated as if you defined a custom entry in package-repositories that pointed back to the location the ISO exploded to + the location we expect the package repositories on the ISO to be at. They will always behave as if they were install sources. The are built as follows:

- tag: <bootenv.Name>
  os: [ <bootenv.OS.Name> ]
  installSource: true
  securitySource: true
  url: http://<dr-provision address>:8091/<bootenv.OS.Name>/install/<on-media path to repo>

The above is an example, details may vary.

Set Hostname

To set the hostname on the post-installed system, include this template. It will work for ubuntu and centos-based systems. The place the template in the post-install section of the kickstart or the script. The template uses the machine built in parameters.

{{ template "set-hostname.tmpl" . }}
Remote Root Access

This templates installs an authorized_keys file in the root user's home directory. Multiple keys may be provided. The template also sets the /etc/ssh/sshd_config entry PermitRootLogin. The default setting is without-password ( keyed access only), but other values are available, no, yes, forced-commands-only.

{{ template "root-remote-access.tmpl" . }}

An example profile that sets the keys and PermitRootLogin would look like this yaml.

Name: root-access
    key1: ssh-rsa abasbaksl;gksj;glasgjasyyp
    key2: ssh-rsa moreblablabalkhjlkasjg
  access_ssh_root_mode: yes
Digital Rebar Integration

This template will join the newly installed node into Digital Rebar. This template requires the use of the remote-root-access) and set-hostname subtemplates as well. To use, include these in the kickstart post install section or the script. The join-to-dr.tmpl requires setting the join_dr parameter to true and credentials to access Digital Rebar. Digital Rebar's Endpoint is specified with the CommandURL parameter, e.g. The username and password used to access Digital Rebar is specified with rebar-machine_key. This should be the machine key in the rebar-access role in the system deployment. It is necessary to make sure that the rebar root access key is added to the access-keys parameter. To get these last two values, see the commands below.

{{ template "set-hostname.tmpl" . }}
{{ template "root-remote-access.tmpl" . }}
{{ template "join-to-dr.tmpl" . }}

An example profile.

# Contains parameters for join-to-dr.tmpl and root-remote-access.tmpl
Name: dr-int
    key1:  ssh-rsa abasbaksl;gksj;glasgjasyyp
  dr_join: true
  rebar-machine_key: machine_install:109asdga;hkljhjha3aksljdga

To get the values for the ssh key and the rebar-machine_key, check the rebar-access role's attributes or run the following commands.


DR Integration - commands to run on admin node to get values.

  • rebar-machine_key: docker exec -it compose_rebar_api_1 cat /etc/rebar.install.key
  • rebar root access key: docker exec -it compose_rebar_api_1 cat /home/rebar/.ssh/

DHCP Models

These models represent things that the DHCP server use and manipulate.


The Subnet Object defines the configuration of a single subnet for the DHCP server to process. Multiple subnets are allowed. The Subnet can represent a local subnet attached to a local interface (Broadcast Subnet) to the Digital Rebar Provision server or a subnet that is being forwarded or relayed (Relayed Subnet) to the Digital Rebar Provision server.

The subnet is uniquely identified by its Name. The subnet defines a CIDR-based range with a specific subrange to hand out for nodes that do NOT have explicit reservations (ActiveStart thru ActiveEnd). The subnet also defines the NextServer in the PXE chain. This is usually an IP associated with Digital Rebar Provision, but if the provisioner is disabled, this can be any next hop server. The lease times for both reserved and unreserved clients as specified here (ReservedLeaseTime and ActiveLeaseTime). The subnet can also me marked as only working for explicitly reserved nodes (ReservedOnly).

The subnet also allows for the specification of DHCP options to be sent to clients. These can be overridden by reservation specific options.

Some common options are:

Type # Description
IP 3 Default Gateway
IP 6 DNS Server
IP 15 Domain Name
String 67 Next Boot File - e.g. ipxe.pxe

golang template expansion also works in these fields. This can be used to make custom request-based reply options.

For example, this value in the Next Boot File option (67) will return a file based upon what type of machine is booting. If the machine supports, iPXE then an iPXE boot image is sent, if the system is marked for legacy bios, then ipxe.pxe is returned, otherwise return a 64-bit UEFI iPXE boot loader:

{{if (eq (index . 77) "iPXE") }}default.ipxe{{else if (eq (index . 93) "0")}}ipxe.pxe{{else}}ipxe.efi{{end}}


Option 67 is optional. When using DRP as the DHCP server, it will generate a bootfile like the above template expansion.

The data element for the template expansion as represented by the '.' above is a map of strings indexed by an integer. The integer is the option number from the DHCP request's incoming options. The IP addresses and other data fields are converted to a string form (dotted quads or base 10 numerals).

The final elements of a subnet are the Strategy and Pickers options. These are described in the rs_api JSON description. They define how a node should be identified (Strategy) and the algorithm for picking addresses (Pickers). The strategy can only be set to MAC currently. This will use the MAC address of the node as its DHCP identifier. Others may show up in time.


Pickers defines an ordered list of methods to determine the address to hand out. Currently, this will default to the list: hint, nextFree, and mostExpired. The following options are available for the list.

which will try to reuse the address that the DHCP packet is requesting, if it has one. If the request does not have a requested address, "hint" will fall through to the next strategy. Otherwise, it will refuse to try ant reamining strategies whether or not it can satisfy the request. This should force the client to fall back to DHCPDISCOVER with no requsted IP address. "hint" will reuse expired leases and unexpired leases that match on the requested address, strategy, and token.
Within the subnet's pool of Active IPs, choose the next free making sure to loop over all addresses before reuse. It will fall through to the next strategy if it cannot find a free IP."nextFree" only considers addresses that do not have a lease, whether or not the lease is expired.
If no free address is available, use the most expired address first.
Do NOT hand out an address and refuse to try any remaining strategies

All of the address allocation strategies do not consider any addresses that are reserved, as lease creation will be handled by the reservation instead.


The Reservation Object defines a mapping between a token and an IP address. The token is defined by the assigned strategy. Similar to subnet, the only current strategy is ** MAC**. This will use the MAC address of the incoming requests as the identity token. The reservation allows for the optional specification of specific options and a next server that override or augment the options defined in a subnet. Because the reservation is an explicit binding of the token to an IP address, the address can be handed out without the definition of a subnet. This requires that the reservation have the Netmask Option (Option 1) specified. In general, it is a good idea to define a subnet that will cover the reservation with default options and parameters, but it is not required.


The Lease Object defines the ephemeral mapping of a token, as defined by the reservation's or subnet's strategy, and an IP address assigned by the reservation or pulled form the subnet's pool. The lease contains the Strategy used for the token and the expiration time. The contents of the lease are immutable with the exception of the expiration time.


The Interface Object is a read-only object that is used to identify local interfaces and their addresses on the Digital Rebar Provision server. This is useful for determining what subnets to create and with what address ranges. The subnet part of the uses this to populate possible subnets to create.

DNS Model

The following model drives the DNS server.


The Zone object defines a DNS zone that can be responded. The Zones defines DNS records to respond to DNS queries. The Zones can define forwarders for additional resolution. Filtering responses by packet source is also an option.

Additional Models

These models control additional parts and actions of the system.


The User Object controls access to the system. The User object contains a name and a password hash for validating access. Additionally, the User rs_api can be used to generate time-based, function restricted tokens for use in rs_api calls. The template provides a helper function to generate these for restricted machine access in the discovery and post-install process.

The User Object is usually created with an unset password. This allows for the User have no access but still access the system through constructed tokens. The rs_cli has commands to set the password for a user.

Identity Provider

The Identity Provider Object defines an external authorization provider to access through SAML.

The IDP object defines the URL to the metadata or, if that isn't available, the metadata XML blob itself. This is used to define the security features of the IDP and DRP relationship.

Additionally, fields can be used to customize the user experience.

  • LogoPath - defines a URL or DRP files icon for display by the UX
  • DisplayName - string to display with the logo

Once identity has been confirmed, the IDP object defines who the user should be added to the system and what accesses that user is allowed.

Additional operation information can be found at rs_saml_ops.


Most configuration is handle through the profile system, but there are a few modifiable options that can be changed over time in the server (outside of command line flags). These are preferences. The preferences are key value pairs where both the key and the value are strings. The use internally may be an integer, but the specification through the rs_api is by string.

Pref Type Description
defaultBootEnv string This is a valid machine if the machine does not have a bootenv specified. The default is sledgehammer.
unknownBootEnv string This is the bootenv used when a boot request is serviced by an unknown machine. The BootEnv must have OnlyUnknown set to true. The default is ignore.
unknownTokenTimeout integer The amount of time in seconds that the token generated by GenerateToken is valid for unknown machines. The default is 600 seconds.
knownTokenTimeout integer The amount of time in seconds that the token generated by GenerateToken is valid for known machines. The default is 3600 seconds.
debugRenderer integer The debug level of the renderer system. 0 = off, 1 = info, 2 = debug
debugDhcp integer The debug level of the DHCP system. 0 = off, 1 = info, 2 = debug
debugBootEnv integer The debug level of the BootEnv system. 0 = off, 1 = info, 2 = debug

Special Objects

These are not objects in the system but represent files and directories in the server space.


File server has a managed filesystem space. The rs_api defines methods to upload, destroy, and get these files outside of the normal TFTP and HTTP path. The TFTP and HTTP access paths are read-only. The only way to modify this space is through the rs_api or direct filesystem access underneath Digital Rebar Provision. The filesystem space defaults to /var/lib/tftpboot, but can be overridden by the command line flag * --file-root, e.g. --file-root=pwd/drp-data when using --isolated* on install. These directories can be directly manipulated by administrators for faster loading times.

This space is also used by the bootenv import process when exploding an ISO for use by machine.


Templates are NOT rendered to the file system. They are in-memory generated on the fly content.


The ISO directory in the file server space is managed specially by the ISO rs_api. The API handles upload and destroy functionality. The API also handles notification of the bootenv system to "explode" ISOs that are needed by bootenv and marking the bootenv as available.

ISOs can be directly placed into the isos directory in the file root, but the using bootenv needs to be modified or deleted and re-added to force the ISO to be exploded for use.