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To facilitate starting a trial of Digital Rebar Platform (DRP), a pre-built set of environments are available for initial discovery.

Hyper-V on Windows

On Windows 11 Pro system, Hyper-V can be used to instantiate a trial environment.


  • Memory: 16GB Minimum (32GB Preferred)
  • Disk: 100GB free

Run the Trial

From a powershell window, you can run the following commands. Accept when the script asks for admin privileges.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "rackn-trial.ps1"



The script can take a while because the Virtual Machine image is about 6GB in size.

The first step downloads a powershell script. The second script runs the script. You should accept the warning.

The script will do the following things:

  • Make sure Hyper-V is installed and setup
  • If Hyper-V needs to be installed, the system will ask you to reboot for Hyper-V to be installed properly.
  • Rerun the script, c:\rackn-trial\rackn-trial.ps1, after the reboot
  • Download a Hyper-V Virtual Machine
  • Start the Virtual Machine
  • Start one or three test Virtual Machines depending upon memory
  • Launch a browser to the DRP UX

Once the browser page opens, accept the self-signed certificate, login with rocketskates/r0cketsk8ts, and fill out the RackN Trial license form. At this point, you can explore the trial enviornment and install Alma 9 upon the newly discovered machines.

Clean-up the Trial

To clean-up the environment, run the rackn-cleanup.ps1 script in the c:\rackn-trial directory.

This will stop and remove the Hyper-V instances, but leave the RackN DRP Virtual Machine and the rackn-trial.ps1 script.


From a linux or WSL or Darwin terminal with AWS credential configuration, a script can launch a set of EC2 instances that will allow you to explore the RackN DRP product.


  • Bash shell with AWS cli installed
  • AWS credentials with EC2 access

Run the Trial

From the bash shell, run:

curl -fsSL -o
curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x aws*.sh

The script will create a DRP instance in EC2 and start 3 EC2 instances that will PXE boot against the DRP instance.

Once the script finishes, it will print the URL to the DRP Endpoint. Open a browser to that URL. Once the browser page opens, accept the self-signed certificate, login with rocketskates/r0cketsk8ts, and fill out the RackN Trial license form. At this point, you can explore the trial enviornment and install Alma 9 upon the newly discovered machines.

Clean-up the Trial

To remove the EC2 instances, you can run the script.

Multiple Users In Same AWS Resources

The scripts take an optional parameter that will create resources with identifiers of ownership to allow for multiple users in the same domain.