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Isolated Install

This console install (aka --isolated) guide provides a developer-focused installation that runs DRP from the Linux or MacOS command line instead of systemd.


This guide expects that users to run Digital Rebar in their primary work environment. This makes it easy to monitor and reset the Digital Rebar endpoint.

This document refers to the drpcli for manipulating the dr-provision service; however, the --isolated installation does not install drpcli automatically.

Please make sure your environment doesn't have any conflicts or issues that might cause port conflicts (see ports) or cause PXE booting to fail.


To begin, execute the following commands in a shell or terminal:

mkdir drp ; cd drp
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- install --isolated --version=tip

The command will pull the latest dr-provision bundle and checksum from github, extract the files, verify prerequisites are installed, and create some initial directories and links.

The install script used by our installs has many additional options that are documented in its help and explored in other install guides.

Once you have Digital Rebar working in this fashion, you should be able to upgrade the endpoint by simply replacing the dr-provision binary and restarting the process. The ability to quickly reset the environment is a primary benefit of this approach.

Manually Start Digital Rebar

Once the install has completed, your terminal should provide next steps similar to those below.

# Run the following commands to start up dr-provision in a local isolated way.
# The server will store information and serve files from the ./drp-data directory.

sudo ./dr-provision --base-root=`pwd`/drp-data |& tee log.out

Back to Regular Install

At this point, you should finish configuration and continue post-install setup.

Clean Up

Once you are finished exploring Digital Rebar Provision in isolated mode, the system can be cleaned or reset by removing the directory containing the isolated install. In the previous sections, we used 'drp' as the directory containing the isolated install. Removing this directory will clean up the installed files.