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Simple Hyper-V Setup

This document describes a method in which WSL and Hyper-V can be set up to establish a simple environment to test Digital Rebar Provision with.


You will need

  • Windows 10 or 11 Pro, Enterprise, or Education
  • PowerShell
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • Hyper-V

Setting up WSL

In this section, we will set up a Ubuntu WSL instance that will run DRP.


If you already have a WSL instance installed that runs Ubuntu, you may choose to run DRP in that, or create a fresh instance.

The following install command below will not create a new instance, but will instead open the existing one. To create a fresh instance, consider exporting your current instance:

# wsl --export <distro name> <tarball>
wsl --export ubuntu ubuntu-image.tar

# wsl --unregister <distro name>
wsl --unregister ubuntu

At this point, you can proceed with the steps below. Once the new instance is installed, you can re-import your old image:

# wsl --import <distro name> <install location> <exported tarball>
wsl --import old-ubuntu ./install-location ubuntu-image.tar

From PowerShell, run the following command to create a WSL instance that runs Ubuntu:

wsl --install -d ubuntu

Follow the prompts to create your user account, then proceed.

Install DRP

You may choose to install DRP in production or as an isolated tip install for experimentation.

Production install

Follow the steps described in the Install guide.

Isolated install

Follow the steps described in the Isolated Install guide.


After starting Digital Rebar, you can attach to the WSL instance from another PowerShell window with

wsl -d ubuntu

Configuring DRP with the UX

Follow the Post-Install Setup to set up your endpoint's license.

Configuring the subnet

Once the endpoint has been set up in the UX, navigate to the Subnets page on the navigation menu on the left.

Click Create on top, then click Use next to the eth0 entry in the menu that appears on the right.


Change the DNS Server setting to or (or another server) to ensure external connectivity.

Scroll to the bottom of the editor and click Save to commit your Subnet to DRP.

At this point, your DRP instance has been fully configured and we can now move onto provisioning machines with Hyper-V.

Provisioning machines with Hyper-V

To provision new machines, you will use the Hyper-V Manager.

Open Hyper-V Manager and click New -> Virtual Machine from the top right.

  1. Click Next to manually configure the machine.
  2. Name the machine and click Next.
  3. Choose Generation 2 and click Next.
  4. Choose an amount of memory (minimum of 1024 MB) to allocate to the machine. Click Next.
  5. Set the Connection to WSL. Proceed.
  6. Create a virtual hard disk and allocate it some space (minimum of 2 GB). Click Finish from this point.


Hyper-V Manager may enable Secure Boot by default on your machine. This will prevent your provisioned machines from properly PXE booting from DRP.

To disable it, right-click your newly created machine and select Settings..., navigate to Security on the left, and uncheck Enable Secure Boot. Finalize your changes by clicking Apply, then OK.

Your provisioned machine is now ready to be run! Double-click it in Hyper-V Manager and click Start. It should boot Sledgehammer from DRP and become discovered.

You can navigate to the Machines view in the UX to ensure it has been discovered by DRP.