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Content packages (also known as content bundles, or content packs) are the primary way of adding new functionality to DRP. Content packages consist of a collection of objects (tasks, bootenvs, templates, stages, workflows, etc.), along with important metadata about the content package.

Example content package

Author: ""
CodeSource: ""
Color: ""
Copyright: ""
Description: Default objects that must be present
DisplayName: ""
DocUrl: ""
Documentation: ""
Icon: ""
License: ""
Name: BasicStore
Order: ""
Overwritable: true
Prerequisites: ""
RequiredFeatures: ""
Source: ""
Tags: ""
Type: basic
Version: 3.12.0
Writable: false
    Available: false
    BootParams: ""
    Bundle: BasicStore
    Description: The boot environment you should use to have unknown machines boot
      off their local hard drive
    Documentation: ""
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
    Initrds: []
    Kernel: ""
      color: green
      feature-flags: change-stage-v2
      icon: circle thin
      title: Digital Rebar Provision
    Name: ignore
      Codename: ""
      Family: ""
      IsoFile: ""
      IsoSha256: ""
      IsoUrl: ""
      Name: ignore
      SupportedArchitectures: {}
      Version: ""
    OnlyUnknown: true
    OptionalParams: []
    ReadOnly: false
    RequiredParams: []
    - Contents: |
        DEFAULT local
        PROMPT 0
        TIMEOUT 10
        LABEL local
        {{.Param "pxelinux-local-boot"}}
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: pxelinux
      Path: pxelinux.cfg/default
    - Contents: |
        chain {{.ProvisionerURL}}/${netX/mac}.ipxe && exit || goto chainip
        chain tftp://{{.ProvisionerAddress}}/${netX/ip}.ipxe || exit
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: ipxe
      Path: default.ipxe
    Validated: false
    Available: false
    BootParams: ""
    Bundle: BasicStore
    Description: The boot environment you should use to have known machines boot
      off their local hard drive
    Documentation: ""
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
    Initrds: []
    Kernel: ""
      color: green
      feature-flags: change-stage-v2
      icon: radio
      title: Digital Rebar Provision
    Name: local
      Codename: ""
      Family: ""
      IsoFile: ""
      IsoSha256: ""
      IsoUrl: ""
      Name: local
      SupportedArchitectures: {}
      Version: ""
    OnlyUnknown: false
    OptionalParams: []
    ReadOnly: false
    RequiredParams: []
    - Contents: |
        DEFAULT local
        PROMPT 0
        TIMEOUT 10
        LABEL local
        {{.Param "pxelinux-local-boot"}}
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: pxelinux
      Path: pxelinux.cfg/{{.Machine.HexAddress}}
    - Contents: |
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: ipxe
      Path: '{{.Machine.Address}}.ipxe'
    - Contents: |
        DEFAULT local
        PROMPT 0
        TIMEOUT 10
        LABEL local
        {{.Param "pxelinux-local-boot"}}
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: pxelinux-mac
      Path: pxelinux.cfg/{{.Machine.MacAddr "pxelinux"}}
    - Contents: |
      ID: ""
      Meta: null
      Name: ipxe-mac
      Path: '{{.Machine.MacAddr "ipxe"}}.ipxe'
    Validated: false
    Available: false
    Bundle: BasicStore
    Description: The method pxelinux should use to try to boot to the local disk
    Documentation: |2-

      On most systems, using 'localboot 0' is the proper thing to do to have
      pxelinux try to boot off the first hard drive.  However, some systems
      do not behave properlydoing that, either due to firmware bugs or
      malconfigured hard drives.  This param allows you to override 'localboot 0'
      with another pxelinux command.  A useful reference for alternate boot methods
      is at
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
    Meta: {}
    Name: pxelinux-local-boot
    ReadOnly: false
      default: localboot 0
      type: string
    Secure: false
    Validated: false
    Available: false
    Bundle: BasicStore
    - action: '*'
      scope: '*'
      specific: '*'
    Description: ""
    Documentation: ""
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
    Meta: {}
    Name: superuser
    ReadOnly: false
    Validated: false
    Available: false
    BootEnv: local
    Bundle: BasicStore
    Description: Stage to boot into the local BootEnv.
    Documentation: ""
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
      color: green
      icon: radio
      title: Digital Rebar Provision
    Name: local
    OptionalParams: []
    Profiles: []
    ReadOnly: false
    Reboot: false
    RequiredParams: []
    RunnerWait: false
    Tasks: []
    Templates: []
    Validated: false
    Available: false
    BootEnv: ""
    Bundle: BasicStore
    Description: Noop / Nothing stage
    Documentation: ""
    Endpoint: ""
    Errors: []
      color: green
      icon: circle thin
      title: Digital Rebar Provision
    Name: none
    OptionalParams: []
    Profiles: []
    ReadOnly: false
    Reboot: false
    RequiredParams: []
    RunnerWait: false
    Tasks: []
    Templates: []
    Validated: false

As the above example implies, YAML is the preferred format for shipping content packages as it is generally easier to read and edit than JSON, especially when longer multi-line templates are present. You can also use the drpcli contents commands to unbundle a content pack for easier editing, and then bundle it back up for processing and uploading to a DRP endpoint.


All content packages must have a meta section, which contains a variety of different string values.

Operational Fields

The following metadata fields have meaning to DRP directly and control how dr-provision will process the content package when loaded.


The name of the content package. All content packages must have a name. Names are not allowed to collide in a running instance of DRP. The name of the content package should either be a single word or a short, hypenated series of words.


The version of the content package. Versions are roughly Semantic Versionioning 2.0.0 compliant, except that we allow a leading lower-case "v" and disregard everything after and including the first occurance of hyphen (-).


Version is optional. If it is not included, the version of the content package will default to 0.0.0.


A space separated list of features that DRP must provide for the content package to function properly. If you try to load a content package onto a version of DRP that does not include a required feature, the load will fail with an error indicating what features are missing.

This field should be left blank if the content package does not rely on any particular features of DRP.


A comma separated list of other content packages that must be present on the DRP endpoint for this content package to load. Each entry in the prerequisites list must either be the name of a content package, or the name of a content package followed by a colon (:) and a space separated list of version constrints.

If the field is left blank, then this content pack is not considered to rely on any other content packs.

Example prerequisites

  Name: one
  Version: v1.2.3
  Name: two
  Version: v1.2.3
  Prerequisites: one
  Name: three
  Version: v1.2.4
  Prerequisites: 'one: >=1.0, two: <2.0.0'
Version Constraints

Prerequisite version constraints are processed according to the following rules.

  • The expression <1.0.0 is less than the value 1.0.0.
  • The expression <=1.0.0 is less than or equal to the value 1.0.0.
  • The expression >1.0.0 is greater than the value 1.0.0.
  • The expression >=1.0.0 is greater than or equal to the value 1.0.0.
  • The expressions 1.0.0, =1.0.0, and ==1.0.0 are equalalent and equal to the value 1.0.0.
  • The expressions !1.0.0, and !=1.0.0 are not equal to 1.0.0. They exlude the value 1.0.0.
  • The expression 1.0.0 <2.0.0 is greater than 1.0.0, and less than 2.0.0, therefore, 1.1.1 and 1.8.7 are valid, but not 1.0.0 or 2.0.0.
  • The expression <2.0.0 || >=3.0.0is less than 2.0.0, or greater than/equal to 3.0.0, therefore, 1.x.x, and 3.x.x are valid, but not 2.x.x.


You can combine the AND operator (a space between expressions) and the OR operator (||). The AND operator has higher precedence.


It is not possible to override precedence with parentheses.

Informational Fields

These metadata fields contain information that may be of interest to users of the content package, but they are not required for dr-provision to properly load, or use the content package.


A short, one line description of what the content bundle provides.


Where the content package is from. This is generally either the author or the organization that produced and maintains the content package.


Deprecated in favor of Author and CodeSource.


Longer information about what the content bundle is and what it does. The documentation field may be either plain text or Restructured Text.


The name of the content package as it will de displayed in the Web UI.


The icon that will be used for the content package in the Web UI.


The color that the icon will be displayed in the Web UI


The original author of the content package.


The name of the license that everything in the content package is distributed as.

The copyright holder of the content package.


The location that the content pack was loaded from.


The order in which the content package will be displayed in the Web UI.


A comma-separated list of tags appropriate for this content package. Mainly used by the Web UI for sorting and filtering purposes.


A URL to external documentation about this content package.


Content package do not have to define any objects, though they would be little more than placeholders. Objects are defined in a content pack in the Sections part as follows:

  Name: foo
      Name: foo
      Name: bar